Hello girls,
just a quick post with my outfit which I wore like three weeks ago for a Justin Timberlakes's concert. I was in a hurry, as we have travelled few hours from Ostrava to Prague and had some issues with our car, and it was raining and I had to work as well. So, this was my safe option, lately my very favourite option, not to be cold and not to be too warm. therefore that scarf as I am very sensitive for the weather changes and most of the time I am cold :D.
By the way concert was amazing, really a great party, we danced the whole two hours, so very exhausting, we sang along and had superb time, hope that the others as well.
Anyway I was in awe, how many great and trendy dressed people I saw in Prague. I felt like we have no idea what is IN or even cool in Ostrava or any other parts in the Czech Rep or Slovakia -besides Blava, right. Well, I understand that clothes are not everything and many people cannot afford some expensive brands but still I believe that you can look awesome and put together under the budget. What do you think?
Btw, Happy 1st of July! Summer begins, so enjoy it!
What am I wearing?
Jacket: F&F, my suggestion but in dark blue really worth that money this piece
Shirt: Bershka old, my suggestion
Jeans: Zara, my suggestion
Kicks: Reno, my suggestion
Bag: Baťa
Scarf: Earth shop in US, my suggestion
Hope you like it and thanks for stopping by,
Love, Aňa
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Dámské doplňky od MOHITO
Kabelky, deštníky, boty, sluneční brýle, peněženky, sponky, gumičky do vlasů a mnoho dalších dámských doplňků najdete v MOHITO. Různé barvy a styly doplňků vám umožní vybrat si dokonalé produkty, které budou odpovídat vašemu stylu. Ať už jste příznivcem minimalismu, nebo naopak, máme pro vás módní a ženské doplňky, které si zamilujete!