the autum is here, yayyy and today I feel like there is some cold going around my nose and I soo much do not want to be sick... ah man.... let's see. Anyway I prepared two pictures of my autumn wishlist and I maybe it will be not that much surprising, but there are booties and vests involved, which are in my opinion must pieces for a transfer season to winter. Even though they can be used also in winter.
Let me know what is your favorite autumn garment! I am really curios person so share it with me :D.bag
slip-on shoes
fur vest
knitted jumper
black jumper
Let me know what do you think of these combinations and which one you like the most!
PS: I have cleaned my closet, especially the shoes and if you want to buy something new and cute, go and check out my VotocVohoz account: aninag. I will add some more shoes which I am not able to wear that often and would like to offer them further!
black jumper
Let me know what do you think of these combinations and which one you like the most!
PS: I have cleaned my closet, especially the shoes and if you want to buy something new and cute, go and check out my VotocVohoz account: aninag. I will add some more shoes which I am not able to wear that often and would like to offer them further!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me,
Love, Aňa
Dámské zimní bundy
OdpovědětVymazatDámské zimní bundy
Dámské zimní bundy od MOHITO
Zimní bunda, ve které se budete cítit pohodlně, je pro chladné zimní dny nezbytností. V MOHITO najdete různé střihy teplého svrchního oblečení, jako jsou: péřové bundy, bomber bundy, bundy typu parka, kabáty. Výše uvedené produkty vám umožní vytvořit outfit v elegantním, ležérním nebo maximálně sportovním stylu.