27. 10. 2014

Vest it up

Hello Ladies,

another hat outfit. I am loving hats for fall, especially for fall, They kinda keep my head warm but I am still looking chic and having fun. There was even a girl asking me about this in a store while we were shopping with my sista. I was in search for a great faux fur vest with some zipper and a colar for ages, and especially the price was something was interested me deeple. When I checked the mail box there was a flyer from KIK, where I do not usually go shopping. But this time on the first page was featured this cute vest, as I have imagined it for such a long time. And nonethenless the price was awesome plus I have got a discount. Well that made my day definitely. I had a blast spending the beautiful weekend outside and with my family. What about you? How was your weekend? 

What am I wearing?

Ripped jeans: Zara, my suggestion
Cardigan: Reserved, my suggestion
Shirt: Reserved, my suggestion
Heel sneakers: Deichmann, my suggestion
Handbag: Italy Unknown brand. my suggestion
Hat: Orsay last season, my suggestion or I love this one

Thanks for sharing with me and for stopping by,
Love, Aňa

1 komentář:

  1. Mini sukně
    Mini sukně od MOHITO
    Minisukně je krátká sukně, která obvykle sahá do poloviny stehen. Londýnská návrhářka Mary Quantová byla velkou propagátorkou tohoto střihu. Je to velmi ženský kousek oblečení, který nabízí mnoho možností, jak vytvořit originální, vkusný, ležérní i sportovnější vzhled. V našem obchodě najdete minišaty v tužkovém, áčkovém a plisovaném provedení.
